Thursday, April 30, 2015

Even the Best Laid Plans...

The observant reader might have noticed that I am not, in fact, in Europe.  Here's what happened:

Todd and I employed our best Tetris skills cramming into our Mini Cooper everything we'll bring on our trip, plus items to leave with family while we travel.  When the little car could not possibly hold another thing, we said good-bye to our house and pulled away from it for the last time.

It was 10 a.m. and the sky was as clear and hopeful as our expectations of blissful globe trotting.  Unfortunately, Mother Nature didn't care about our plans and within three hours delivered a blizzard that would close I-80 for two days.  Our progress was halted in Middle-of-Nowhere, Wyoming (where, annoyingly, I had no cell phone service).

When the highway was still closed the next morning, we decided to bypass the weather, taking a 2-lane road along the Continental Divide that led south into Colorado.  This detour proved to be a good gamble; it was free of snow and had more deer than cars.  
Pronghorns (antelope, not deer, thanks @Lynne) in Colorado

Our luck wouldn't hold, though.  Road conditions deteriorated as we crossed the Rockies, leading to white-knuckled hours dodging giant semi-trucks that moved at alarmingly inconsistent speeds and paths on steep grades and around curves.  I can now state with confidence that our car can accelerate very quickly and also has very good brakes.  My husband can confirm that the Oh-Sh*t bar works.

By the time we reached Denver, two days behind schedule, exhausted and relieved to have escaped the mountains unscathed, I seriously considered partaking in Colorado's newly legalized state pastime...  We then crossed Kansas without dying of boredom, but had to cut short our visit with friends in Kansas City in order to get to mid-Missouri in time for Grandma's memorial service.  (Which we did.)

That was last week.  I thought we would be in Spain by now, and was a little bummed when we canceled our flight to Madrid, even though I had agreed to delay Europe for just a little while and first explore more of the United States in our own car.  And maybe I could get used to the idea of not working; appreciate wherever we are today and not worry about where we should be next week.

I have been retired for exactly three weeks.  My mind is still in "vacation" mode; I feel like we should go-go-go before the carriage turns back into a pumpkin.  My husband, who has been retired for two years and is accustomed to it, reminded me, "What's the hurry?  It's not like you have to go to work on Monday.  Europe isn't going anywhere."

So, even though I'm still longing to be somewhere across the Atlantic, I am trying to not be so anxious.  I have enjoyed the extra time with our son, and catching up with my in-laws, and I am getting used to not calling Utah home.  Tomorrow, instead of jumping on a Madrid-bound plane, we are getting back in the car and heading to the east coast, where we will spend a couple of weeks vacationing.  Then we'll fly to Europe.  **That's the plan.

**subject to change


  1. I'm from Wyoming and have been stuck many time at the Colorado border. BTW: those deer are actually called Pronghorns and are referred to as antelopes. Not as pretty as a deer but super fast!

    Glad you made out alive. Sorry to hear of Grandma's passing. She sounds like a great lady. She will be missed.

    1. Oh, THOSE are the antelope everyone in Wyoming talked about! LOL, thanks for the correction, @Lynne.
